There isn’t a store…

18 02 2010

There isn’t a store
That carries what I crave
No money can be exchanged
For the treasure that I seek
I may find it on the street
I may meet it at a bar

But I cannot just take it home
It does not belong to me
It has to be earned
It has to have time

For this craving
Must also crave me
It may find me on the street
It may meet me at a bar

But it cannot just take me home.
I do not belong to it
I have to be earned
I have to have time

If by chance I find
My craving
And if by chance my craving
Finds me
Then perhaps we will be happy
Until we crave another thing

Starting New

18 02 2010

Four and a half years ago, I left my parent’s home to begin the next big chapter of my life, college.  I thought of myself as independent, even though my dad still paid my cell phone and car insurance bills, I had taken out my own loans and was basically putting myself through college.

Little did I know that this new, exciting, transitional time during my life was just that, transitional.   I had no idea what was waiting for me at the end of the tunnel when I received my diploma: The Real World!

For a while (during my grace period till I had to begin paying my student loans), I was still in denial about the new world responsibilities and the lack of external structure to my life.  As a goal oriented human, the four years I spent in college were fun, exciting, and a great learning experience, but the focus was always getting my diploma.

Immediately after graduating, I re-arranged my house, purged my closet of unncessary items, complied old computer files on an external hard-drive and made various other preparations for post graduate life.  Little did I know that upon completing these simple tasks, I would find myself suddenly lost.

I had  a job that paid the bills but required little mental output and I lacked of a life plan.  I knew I wanted to do something big, I wanted to be the change and make the difference.  But I had no idea how.

Over the course of the next 8 months a lot of things happened.  I continued to deny what the real world actually entailed, all the while pretending I was becoming an incoporated part of society.  Fortunately, I was provided an opportunity to put off finding a career: graduate school.  I mostly procrastinated my application but eventually turned in what I thought was an average application to an amazing school.  Low and behold, I was accepted.  Leaving me three months to say goodbye to Portland, Or.

I moved around a lot as a child, so having a stable place to live was unique and satisfying in Portland.  I appreciated that my close friends were close, the city was familiar, and I had made connections with various members of the community.

Excited as I was to turn the page yet again and start a new, I was entering into uncharted territory.  I didn’t have an assigned roommate or a sports team to initiate me into the community.  I didn’t have a familiar social network and I was unsure what to expect. I did the only plausible thing I could think of…I dove into the real world and the next part of my life.  Head First.

This blog is my documentation of my education in the real world: new found responsibilities, networking, higher ed, and everything in between.  I will explain my history, share anecdotes, and post projects, articles and websites I find interesting.

This…is me, finding my way.

Hello world!

18 02 2010

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!